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This is a Thematic Blog specifically designed for Educational purposes where an EFL teacher has combined the use of this Web 2.0 tool and the sharing of students' beliefs, ideas and attitudes in Second Language Testing experience in a safe anonymous environment.

The main objective of this blog is to provide students with a widening range of test anxiety facts and aspects, discuss test-taking strategies and recognize the benefits of engaging them in different types of testing items.

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Τρίτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Lesson 1. What is Anxiety

 What is Anxiety
Did I get it
 Where does it come from?

Self Reflection Question
Have you ever mirrored any of the following types of emotion zones?

 If you are most into “HIGH-” and “LOW-”, you are not alone!

Self Reflection Question
Have you ever experienced any of the following  types of reactions?

  1. "I felt I was ready for the test, but when it started my mind just went blank."
  2. "Before the test started I felt sick. I just wanted to get out of there."
  3. "I kept thinking to myself what would happen if I did poorly on this test, I just knew it would be awful because I was going to fail again."
  4. "I thought I did just fine, but when the grade came back it was a 'D', I don't know what happened."
  5. "I am always feeling under pressure, my life is just too hectic."
  6. ·        Sweaty palms
  7. ·        Accelerated heartbeat
  8. ·        Queasy stomach
  9. ·        Self-doubts
  10. ·        Constant worry
  11. ·        Ready to cry
if your answer is YES, then you should carefully  click on this Video Watching task and look for more Anxiety Symptoms  :


It's Leave-your-Comment Question 1:
Now, let’s think about your last test. Can you separate the physical from mental reactions?

Physical ones: What was your body feeling like before and during the test?

Describe it in as much detail as you can.

Mental ones: Mental: What were you saying to yourself, friends, parents or teachers?

Where does it come from and how did I get it?

Video-Watching Task:
Similar to most of the human behaviors you probably have learned it. Complicated enough, its starting points may be in your early testing experiences:

·        You may misinterpret a family interest for an upcoming test as pressure to succeed.

·        You may have taken a test when you were sick.

·        You may have taken a bad grade on a test and the negative attention of your teacher, classmates or family had influenced you.

When the bad habits become common ones then the specific sources of test anxiety below are experienced.

-Unfamiliarity: It is normal to feel a little nervous the First time you experience NEW situations. Sometimes, NEW is scary and your First test may raise your anxiety levels.But, practice, experience and learn test-taking strategies are ways to relax.

-Preparation: if you aren't prepared as much as possible with sufficient material for your test, you deserve to be nervous

-General Lifestyle: caring your body, following a balanced lifestyle are some of the ways to decrese stressful situations.

-Conditioned Anxiety: some students hear the word "test" and sweat at once. Some others see a dog and scream. These are examples of a traumatic experiences and indicators of a learned behavior that result in anxiety reactions.

-Irrational Thinking: Negative thinking isn't necessarily based on the reality.

It's a Leave-your-Comment Question 2:
You have read about several test anxiety causes. Personally speaking, refer to some of the causes of your test anxiety  from the lists above or some of your own.

 Test Anxiety symptoms and effects are common to young, teenagers, and adult learners of Second Language Learning and Testing.
Let’s take a deeper look to some interesting articles that may answer some of your inner questions:
4. why some kids can handle pressure while others fall apart from NY times magazine
5. how stressed are you
 It's time to explore your personal levels by doing online quizzes and get your score.
It's a Leave-your-Comment Question 3:
So, what does your score range reveal about you?




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